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Newly published stories now available!

July 5, 2021

Recently, I have been inspired to expand my writing comfort zone... Which has meant speaking out about my soul purpose and mission more openly, and also experimenting with new types of writing styles. Within the past few weeks, fiction has called to me as a means of sharing truths in a more palatable, powerful and memorable way. 

The support I've received in my writing mastermind and entrepreneur networks has been overwhelmingly positive, and has further inspired me to continue on with expressing myself and my message in new ways.

I am ecstatic to announce that my first fiction story was just published on July 3rd (my 40th birthday!), and it is also in the running for a contest (stay tuned for updates). 

Vocal Media is supportive of writers and allows for writers to earn tips for their work; it is an excellent resource for writers and I am so happy to be a part of it! 

Here you will find my Vocal Media profile, and my two currently published pieces: